Re the comment in previous post about needing to take
decisive action to stop the new angle from being lost on the toe.
I have last night had
consultation with Linda Harris who did a mark-up for me & in the dark I
made significant changes to the shape of Sonny’s front feet with yet more to
come tomorrow.
I removed the ridges (toe callouses) totally that I wrote about on some of
the photos (follow the link to my album in previous post). Linda said as they
get stronger they push on the toe wall forcing it outwards thereby creating
lamella wedge behind the outer wall. That is why I have previously lost the new
tighter angle at this point. I did notice that the ridge (toe callous) always started to grow
at this point but never knew why & still don’t. But what’s important is that it had to come
off asap.
Then following her mark-up I made a shallow rocker from a
certain point forward of the frog tip to the front of the toe. Then from the
top I removed a good 10ml of toe length. Went back underneath & rounded the
ends at the pillars. I sent photos & Linda reminded me that the pillars
were now longer than the toe which is wrong as it creates a square toe which
results in the pillars jamming up the coronet band above them.
So tonight after the rain has stopped yet again, I will quickly measure the dorsal wall & make the
pillars the same length. This time I will use aeroguard on both of us as last night the mozzies nearly carried us away!!
In the #3 photo it does look like the wall is the same length all the way round but in the #4 photo it looks like the pillars are longer giving the squared off look. Maybe it's just the camera lens playing tricks which it is prone to doing at such close range by giving a slight fish eye type effect. But you can see how the longer pillars are pushing up into the coronet band in the #4 photo making the coronet band wavy. If the pillars are indeed longer the shape will be quite evident now after 24hrs.
This new trim shape will have to be maintained for some
weeks until the new angle has reached the ground whereupon he should have a new
tighter connection all the way down the dorsal wall with little lamella wedge
in there, so a steeper front wall. That will flow on to the heels as well.
My next job then is to straighten the Left Front where you
can see the tubules are twisting outward a lot more than they usually do.
During all this toe work I have forgotten to always make the correction for his
turned out foot.
There’s always something to do with a horses foot!